# Navigation ZfcAdmin allows a dedicated navigation structure for the admin interface. By default, ZfcAdmin initiates a [Twitter Bootstrap](http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap) layout with on top the main admin navigation. These admin buttons are customizable. ## Add a page The admin structure requires at least a `label` for the navigation element and a `route` or `url` parameter for the link to be created. The `route` will use the `url()` view helper to construct a link. It is recommended to use [routes](2.Routes.md) in your child pages of ZfcAdmin and therefore it is straightforward to use the `route` parameter in the navigation configuration. In the following example, there is a navigation element called "My Module" and points to `zfcadmin/foo/bar` as a route. This page is configured as follows: 'navigation' => array( 'admin' => array( 'my-module' => array( 'label' => 'My Module', 'route' => 'zfcadmin/foo/bar', ), ), ), The navigation in ZfcAdmin uses `Zend\Navigation` and more information about the configuration of this component is located in the [Zend Framework 2](http://framework.zend.com/manual/2.0/en/modules/zend.navigation.quick-start.html) reference guide. ## Link to documentation pages 1. [Introduction](1.Introduction.md) 2. [Routes](2.Routes.md) 3. [Navigation](3.Navigation.md) 4. [Authorization](4.Authorization.md) 5. [Views & Layout](5.ViewLayout.md)